Market Position Statement Refresh 2024 - Care Home Provider Event

Wednesday 21st February 2024 from 13:30 until 14:30

Devon County Council are planning to refresh its Market Position Statement (MPS) and would like to invite providers to attend a meeting to help shape the format and structure of the revised MPS for care homes.

Please see below for your feedback at the meeting, links to the current MPS and the supporting data PowerBI report.

Market Position Statement Archive - Provider Engagement Network (

MPS: Supporting data (Power BI report) - Provider Engagement Network (

MPS CONTENTS – Guide Headings:

The headings below were shared at the last County Care Home Forum meeting and will be used as guide headings for refreshing the care home market information. Please bear these in mind and bring your comments and ideas ready to share at the meeting.

1. Strategic Context (reference the Vision and Strategy 2023 as appropriate)

2. Commissioning Intentions (our direction of travel)

Please specifically highlight any themes relating to:

  • Replacement care
  • Dementia
  • Carers
  • Digital and TECS
  • Workforce

3. Assessment of Need and Demand

4. Assessment of Supply

5. Change Required (what change do we want to see and over what timescale?)

6. Critical Milestones and Market Opportunity

7. Review Period

We are looking to trial Teams Webinar for this meeting, so you will need to click on the link below to register your attendance, then the event will automatically be added to your calendar with the event details, including the meeting link. If this method of arranging the meeting is successful we will use Teams Webinar function for future County Care Home Forum meetings.

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