County Care Home Forum

Tuesday 27th February 2024 from 14:00 until 15:00

An open invitation to all care homes within the Devon County Council footprint to regularly meet with Devon’s Market Management Team, NHS Devon, commissioners and other professionals to share information on key topics of interest and concern, hear about and get involved in care home commissioning work and find out more about other key national and local care home priorities. 

February’s meeting includes the following agenda items:

  1. Safeguarding update – Kayleigh Bradford & Sarah Mackereth
  2. Market Position Statement refresh 2024 – feedback on provider engagement session 21st Feb – Nicola Tribble/Heather Mills
  3. Introducing Valuing Care – Nicola Tribble
  4. Care Home Forum provider survey feedback – Clare Diffey
  5. DCHC conference 14 March 2024, Exeter Racecourse – Lucy Bull/Nicola Tribble

We have worked with DCHC (Devon Care Home Collaborative) to finalise the agenda.

We will be using Teams Webinar for these meetings so you will need to click on the link below to register your attendance, then the event will automatically be added to your calendar with the event details, including the meeting link. 

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